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See Girl Glow Publishing

See Girl Glow delights in short nonfiction e-books, long-form articles, poetry, and informative pieces that prompt deeper connection and exploration of the metaphysical, spirituality, and one's higher self for our customers and readers of our online content. 

Specific subject areas of interest, from unique and joyful voices, include: 

  • Archangels and Guardian Angels 
  • Archetypes
  • Astrology
  • Ceremonial Magic and Rituals (for good)
  • Creating Miracles
  • Crystals
  • Divination (pendulums, essential oils, rune stones, etc.)
  • Energy and Energy Work
  • God, Universe, Source Energy
  • Herbalism 
  • Human Design 
  • Law of Attraction
  • Meditation
  • Meditative Writing 
  • Mental Health
  • Mind and Matter
  • Numerology
  • Polarity
  • Power of Prayer 
  • Religion
  • Self-care
  • Sleep Hygiene 
  • Soulmates 
  • Soul Contracts 
  • Spells (for good) 
  • Spirituality & Coaching
  • Stream-of-Consciousness Writing 
  • Synchronicity and Serendipity
  • Tarot & Oracle Decks 
  • The Meaning of Life 
  • Wellness
  • Witchcraft

If you've got a great piece in mind, we'd love to read it! 

Pitch Content to See Girl Glow 

If you're interested in pitching your content to us for publication on See Girl Glow check out the following submission guidelines. 

Using the contact form below, submit:

A brief summary of 200-300 words, detailing your pitch and what makes it an essential read for See Girl Glow. Visit the About page for a description of the See Girl Glow customer and reader. 

Please also include: 

  • Suggested headline for the piece to be published
  • 2-3 links to existing work to give us an idea of your written style 

Thank you for your interest in collaborating with us. And so it is!