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May 26, 2022 2 min read

Have you ever woken up from a pleasant dream and wished you could get back into that dream state? Our dreams slip away from our memories so easily. Almostlike a feeling of déjà vu, you might remember parts of your dreams when you wake or even throughout the day. But recalling our memories from dreamy land isn't easy.

But there are ways to help your brain recall your dreams. Here are some tips for triggering your memory.

Keep a dream journal

Next to your bed, have a journal and pen to scribble down your dreams first thing in the morning (or even during the night if you wake up from a dream). This will help you remember your dreams and show patterns your dreams may have. For example, many people have reoccurring dreams or common dream themes. Your journal can reveal a lot. You can use words or even draw pictures of what you saw in your dreams.

Be consistent

Try to document your dreams every day. This first-thing morning ritual will help prompt your mind to bring your dreams back to your consciousness. It may help to stay still as you try to remember your dreams. Also, be consistent with your sleep routine as much as possible with a regular bedtime and wake-up time. 

Maintain good sleep habits

You have your most vivid dreams during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. Rem sleep is important for dreaming, memory, processing emotions, and healthy brain development. Getting enough sleep, not being overstimulated with alcohol, coffee, or electronics before bed and having a regular sleep pattern all help your REM sleep patterns.

Dream interpretation

If you are interested in dream interpretation, recalling your dreams is essential. Once you remember your dreams, you can start discovering the possible meaning behind them. Common dreams are flying, falling, teeth falling out, being late, dancing, being chased and finding money. Some less common ones are speaking another language, meeting celebrities and visiting space and other unusual places. 

What about those dreams about monsters, murderers and other fearful themes? While bad dreams or nightmares might not be what you want to remember, recalling those can also help with dream interpretation. Surprisingly not all bad dreams translate into negative meaning. For example, a scary dream could represent a new beginning if you dream about dying. Change in life can be scary but ultimately lead to positive change. This kind of dream can simply be your mind processing the idea of change and helping it accept the path ahead. This is good to remember if you have children who suffer from nightmares. While upsetting, it may be a normal and natural occurrence.

Some people remember their dreams easily and others claim to never remember them at all. Everyone is different and much of the world of dreams is still a mystery even after extensive studies. It's a fascinating subject that can be worked on if you feel inclined to.

What did you dream about last night?