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May 26, 2022 2 min read

We all have a friend who is totally zen almost all of the time. Things like road rage and FOMO don't seem to exist in their world. They struggle to list their pet peeves and enjoy some me-time when people are late for meetings. 

Do you wish you could be more like that? To get to this tranquil zone, you can incorporate some habits into your life.

Manage your time

You might think you are being a good person by looking after your friends and family's needs before your own, but there comes a point when you need to put yourself first. Write down some activities you enjoy that are just for you. Then make it a priority to work these activities into your routine. When you have your personal needs met, you have more energy to give your friends and family. Don't feel guilty for seeing a movie, going to the spa, or sleeping in with a good book. 

Think before reacting

Peaceful people could feel the same way you do when faced with a challenging situation like someone pushing into the line at the supermarket or driving inconsiderately. The difference is they tend to take a moment to find their inner calm and not react too quickly. Often if you wait, a situation will unfold and diffuse naturally. If you show anger or reaction, it can escalate the situation into something more dramatic. It's not easy and takes willpower and practice, but it can be a life-changing quality once mastered.

Practice soul care

We need to look after our soul as much as our mind and body, but many people fail to carve out time for spiritual practices. It can be as simple as meditation, yoga, reiki, or nature walks. All these things are free and don't take too much time. 

Understand the cycle of life

If you talk to a group of people in their golden years, they will recount their lives with the highs and lows. It is rare to meet someone who hasn't suffered trauma, loss, suffering, or pain at some stage of their life. In fact, most spiritually at peace people will be aware of how this so-called worst time of life leads to the best time of life. They have a knowing and acceptance that the cycle of life brings joy, happiness and sorrow and they handle it with a kind of grace you would expect from a Buddhist monk.

This idea needs to be reflected on and discussed to be embraced and understood. That friend you've been thinking of as you read this article could be the perfect person to have this conversation with. 


Spiritually at peace, people will likely use some of these techniques to keep a feeling of calmness in their life. They probably have more and, due to their generous state of mind, would surely be happy to share them with you. Just ask and you might get some gems to add to our list.